All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers of AMIMA 2019 will be published by IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(MSE)(ISSN:1757-8981 EISSN:1757-899X) , it will be submitted to EI, Scopus and CPCI for indexing. (AMIMA2018 proceedings has been indexed by EI.)
所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将被IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(MSE)(ISSN:1757-8981 EISSN:1757-899X)出版,见刊后由期刊社提交至EI, Scopus和CPCI检索,目前该期刊EI和CPCI检索非常稳定。(上届已被EI检索)
AMIMA2018 EI indexed record (click)
2. SCI Call for Paper. 10 accepted papers will be recommended to SCI journals
(1) Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISSN: 1687-8140), IF=0.848
(2) Journal of Engineering Research (ISSN: 2307-1877), IF=0.259
(3) Advances in Structural Engineering (ISSN: 1369-4332) IF=0.968
Download the paper template of SCI (SCI论文模板下载):(Chinese)(English)
*All submissions must not be less than 10 pages in length,and papers should be submitted to icamima@126.com , and noted SCI.
*所有提交的论文不得少于10页, 只能通过邮箱 icamima@126.com 投稿,并且投稿的时候务必备注SCI。